

Hey, I'm a Web Engineer at Ritual. I graduated from the University of Waterloo for computer science. Throughout my career, including my years of co-op, I have been working in web development. Check out my resume and LinkedIn profile for more details.

More about myself? I can wiggle my ears, I can move each side of my nose independently, I have freckles on my eyes, and both my thumbs are double-jointed. I'm weird like that.


As a programmer, of course I love coding! See anything wrong with my site or have some suggestions? Contribute on GitHub or just hit me up.

Believe it or not, lots of ideas from many different sites were inspirations to this site. The More You Know . When I see something interesting, I try to incorportate it into my own style. My website has gone through many phases and I've loved every part of it.


Why take a walk when you can grab your bike? When the weather is nice, I tend to bike around. From the beach to the valley, the city offers plenty to explore.

When the cold kicks in, which tends to happen early here in Canada, skating becomes the next best option. Living so close to a skating rink, I happily enjoy it!

I play a bunch of games from mainstream to indie and from action to strategy. I still casually play Civilization, Don't Starve, and Crypt of the NecroDancer. Feel free to check out my Steam profile.

Currently, I'm all about Overwatch. I usually play tank and support roles. My favourite hero is Zarya; her hair is fabulous! She has the whole package — tanks, does damage, and is able to support the team. A true team player.

Anime. If you like anime, you and I will get along quite easily . We can nerd out together on the shows airing this season!

I do watch other shows as well. Have you heard of the hip shows Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty? I'm always looking forward to the new seasons every year!